Frequently Asked Questions:

Well, I’ve been teaching Mind Body Alignment for 30 years… and surely, I’ve come a long way from the physical tension story that originally and predominantly informed me. I’ve transformed, and continue to fine tune, my physical, mental & emotional posture and strength.

Truthfully, I come to you as the proverbial wounded healer, teaching what I most want to learn.

At the age of 10 my dad started coming into my room at night. For 3-years sexual abuse was a lifestyle. I’d be curled up in my bed like a little tension-ball when he came in. Then… BAM! Suddenly I was no longer in my room, I was in an altered-reality.

The posture of my energy body was like an energetic antenna that stretched between Earth and Sky, in the most aligned and peaceful manner. I felt like I belonged. I was safe, valued, and most of all, Relaxed and STRONG!

But this relaxed strength was short lived. I’d be snapped back into my reality… back into my tension-ball. It was like living in a ping-pong game between the pain and anxiety of self-sacrifice, and the self-respect and love of Mind Body Alignment.

In these moments, the DIFFERENCE between tension and strength was intimately and profoundly being taught to me. At 10-years old I was desperate to align on purpose. I wanted to feel safe and confident ALL the time.

Learning alignment was my ticket to freedom.

So, I begged my mom to enroll me in ballet classes, again and again. My commitment led me to dancing in A Chorus Line on the Broadway stage at 19-years old, fresh out of high school. A prolific career followed. My last stage performance, at 50-years old, was dancing with a sharp scimitar sword balanced on my head. An original and symbolic performance that cut the umbilical cord with my dad and ended my silence around my story.

From Broadway dancer to Tao Minister, I’ve gained licensure in fitness, cosmetology, reflexology, tuei na acupressure, eastern nutrition, meditation, and herbal medicine; which joins my studies as an Avatar master and Inca energy medicine guide. All of which influence my NYC private practice and holistic strength training method––BodyLogos––which unites principles from Eastern and Western philosophies.

Aligned posture taught me to rise above circumstances, to understand where SPECIFIC emotions live in the body and how to disentangle them, to effectively step into Mind Body Alignment on purpose––to live self-aligned––and embody Relaxed Strength!

I work with ambitious, body-conscious people who are interested in self development using fitness and posture, meditation and visualization, Tao theories, training and coaching.

With that said, the professionals I’ve worked with run the whole gamut: Artists, Musicians, Singers, Athletes, Trainers, Therapists, Coaches, Writers. Office Workers, Computer Technicians, Architects, Designers, Seamstresses. Health Care Professionals, Child Care Professionals, Teachers, Librarians. College Students, Parents, Grandparents.

In today’s competitive world, tension is often mistaken as strength.

I created the BodyLogos Method, which means: the body’s Divine Wisdom, to help people like you to discern between tension and strength in both private and group settings. Beginner or advanced, using fitness, meditation, and self-analysis, BodyLogos Method asks you to see your body as your greatest ally and therapist.

The BodyLogos Method transforms fitness competition into personal compassion, self-judgment into self-understanding, and replaces the ping-pong game between hyper-vigilant unmotivated workdays and workouts into consistent inspiration that feels meaningful.

BodyLogos offers a new language that invites us all to experience ourselves anew.

It’s my mission to help people understand HOW their body’s intelligence is as valuable as their mind’s IQ. This often asks you to slow down, listen deeply, and experience success differently. Working with open-minded individuals makes the journey exciting and transformative, rather than responsible and dutiful.

The BodyLogos Method is a mind-body-spirit approach to strength, posture and wellness that does not overlap with any religious beliefs. So, the method is Universal.

Personal training can be done live or virtually in NYC.

If you’re NOT local, your only choice is virtual, so you’d need a virtual connection. This virtual connectivity is also needed for The Mind Body Adventure App or The Art of Strength Deep Dive program.

The BodyLogos Method resolves physical, mental, emotional and spiritual misalignment and pain, using Mind Body Alignment. Simultaneously, you will get fit and stand centered in your strength and confidence.

  • You’ll discover how to FEEL rather than THINK your emotions.
  • You’ll learn where your body carries various emotions, how the body blocks emotions through tension, and how to create positive change using posture, strength training, visualization and mindset.
  • You’ll recognize and analyze your body’s language through your unique mis-alignments, and walk away with a method that you can call on to continue to create positive change.

The Art of Strength Deep Dive is a 13-week program with 3-phases that progressively elevate your commitment. Your daily video content (workOUTS, workINS, Body Journeys) and reading materials lives on The Mind Body Adventure App; assignments are emailed weekly; 90-minute live group coaching calls happen on zoom weekly; and, one 1:1 60-minute training session can be redeemed at any point in the program.

If 1:1 Personal Training is what you’re looking for we can work live in NYC or virtually. One on one time allows YOU to guide the direction of a workout. We can focus on an emotional outcome or a physical concern. Each workout will guide you toward how you want to look and feel that day.

Yes. You are learning to trust, recognize, and choose YOU as the authority of your own life.

Physical Fitness that isolates muscle groups, as well as, the specific emotions they carry, for aligned posture and mindset.

Emotional Intelligence around your unique tension patterns, and how to use Mind Body Alignment workouts and posture to transform that tension.

Mental Clarity to live balanced and inspired.

Spiritual Purpose that quiets your mind’s IQ and turns up your body’s intelligence, keeping you relaxed and strong under pressure.

Self-Alignment that experiences Mind Body Alignment as physical grace and posture, and exercises Mind Body Alignment as a fitness discipline of delight.

Obviously, this depends on your commitment. That said, while the body needs consistent training for muscle development (within 3-weeks you’ll begin feeling the difference), releasing emotional tension patterns can be felt very quickly. The challenge with quick changes is sustaining them. Which brings us back to consistent training.

The mental aspect of releasing emotional tension patterns, or freeing yourself from misaligned beliefs, is what inspires your commitment to YOU. And, this inspiration instantly transforms your fitness/wellness discipline-of-duty into a discipline-of-delight.

It’s a 13-week curriculum designed to support you well after the program is over. The Deep Dive introduces you to Mind Body Alignment using The Mind Body Adventure App platform. This App platform allows you to continue using the
materials with a low-cost monthly subscription after the program wraps up.

I am thrilled to say, many people have re-uped into the Deep Dive! While the monthly subscription to The Mind Body Adventure App keeps students consistent and awake to their mind-body needs, the weekly coaching calls and community support draw students back into the intimate deep dive of a live interactive program.

Each program has a unique community, depending on who attends, but the community is always one of the most supportive and intimate aspects of the program. Friendships are made, accountability is built in, and people are able to
share in ways that promote deep healing each and every week.

I use Stripe as my payment platform.

Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners, Discover, Cartes Bancaires

Bank: Direct Debit, Canadian PADs

Great! The most successful people are known to make decisive decisions from their gut. So, since this feels right for you let’s go for it! Schedule a Mind Body Discovery Call with me HERE. We’ll get acquainted and explore the best ways for you to look and feel your best.

I look forward to meeting you and can’t wait to get started!