Wrapped in Hand-Me-Downs

Mason & me with Grammy’s knitting!

As I took my first steps into the winter freeze, my braced body surrendered into a sense of unexpected safety. I was warm!

Out my window, heads were buried as they bustled by. NYC had a white dusting that looked like frost. A mixture of snow, salt and sand made every color fade into dusty white hues. The Hudson carried giant blocks of ice that groaned as they traversed.

With temperatures dropped into record breaking lows, wind chills that felt like razor blades on faces, the warmest clothes were unburied: a floor length shearling coat, fur aviator hat, lined knitted mittens, a thick-knit pocket scarf and heavy-knit socks.

As much as I always try to avoid the emotional angst of being cold, just the thought of it triggers my survival instincts into overdrive.

Truth is, feeling safe in the cold has never happened to me before. I actually have an odd fear of cold weather. It’s as if I have to fight for my life! So, when I felt warm and safe in the cold, I was disarmed.

At that moment, I felt overwhelmed with gratitude.

My shearling coat was gifted from a client’s closet. The fur hat was gifted from a friend. Mittens, scarf and socks were all homemade by my mom.

It was the generosity of others that protected me from the extreme weather that was beating up others.

As the youngest in my family, I grew up wearing hand-me-downs. As a dancer/personal trainer, who fits into my friend’s outgrown clothes, I still wear hand-me-downs. I’m a 62-year old hand-me-down queen!

In the past, I’ve appreciated receiving unwanted treasures and enjoyed making them my own. But, gratitude felt like appreciation on steroids!

Gratitude felt warm inside and out.
• Gratitude required me to fully receive what was given… to accept the gesture as them wanting me to have it, rather than them not wanting it.
• Gratitude made me feel worthy of these gifted items, rather than less than because I didn’t or couldn’t get it brand new.
• Gratitude blessed me with abundance byway of my appreciation for YOU—the care giver, as well as, ME—the cared for.

I learned that, appreciation reflects my feelings for the giver; and, gratitude reflects my capacity to receive.

It’s been said that, it’s better to give than to receive. I disagree, it’s a full circle of gifting/celebrating/ honouring. To fully receive is what the giver intended. It’s what makes the giving worth while and honours the love being exchanged.

While saving money initiated my childhood recycled closet, and environmental concerns initiates my adult recycled closet, hand-me-downs are a form of cycling the energy of love anew.

A Buried Heart Still Loves

The magic of Christmas was found by cracking a rock open. No matter how it appeared on the surface, we were reminded of what has always lived beneath it—love.

It’s been 3-years since my sister’s death. Three years of silence that abandoned relationships and fragmented the family.

This Christmas, my nephew and I initiated a reunion. Four generations gathered together. The oldest 89-years and the youngest 9-years. It was as if no time had passed. Our love was preserved.

The 9-year old’s interest in rocks, and the momentous nature of this reunion, inspired me to gift him a geode I’d been carrying around for decades. The perfect moment to break it open to see what magical world would be buried inside it had arrived!

A crystal heart was revealed after we laboured over cracking through its hard surface. (Enjoy the attached video!)

Inside an un-cut geode, pressure and time had formed a quartz crystal heart. Inside my family, pressure and time had froze our hearts until now. When we cracked that rock open we also cracked ourselves open to love again.

Could the pressure and time of those 3-years of silence have safeguarded our love, just as it had the crystal heart?

Could pressure to love wholly, mangled by the spewing rage of grieving a death, ultimately be greater than the hard shell we guard our broken hearts with?

Could time soften the judgements and revise the assumptions that we held so tightly to survive?

Nature shows us that pressure and time create beauty. A beauty that carries an energy of light that purifies, inspires and heals. Precious and semi-precious gems are worn for their healing properties all over the world. All these gems are laboured over and dug out of dingy dark mines.

Are we not the same?

To value, the hard exterior shell we armor with, more than the inner light we heal with, keeps us grieving a love that is ever present. Be reminded that love lies deep within all of us, and Nature will beckon it forth. Pressure and time is on the side of creating and preserving light.

Be beauty. Stand in your light as a beckon. Create an environment that your light can survive and thrive in. And, be patient––stay the course––as Nature digs light out of darkness.

The best present this Christmas was the resurrection of love. The inner light of my family has found its way back to the surface again.

Happy Holidays.