Entries by Tammy Wise

Resolution to Transformation!

Transformation begins with knowing where you are now and where you want to go! I mean this in the most superficial and deep-seated ways: Whether you want to lose weight or shed the behaviors that are keeping you stuck, you have to get really clear on what’s holding you back inside and out. Because the […]

Get Over the Overwhelm of the Holiday

Ah, the most wonderful time of the year. That time where that last herculean push to tie up all loose ends for the year collides with a  crazed calendar of holiday parties—burning your energy up from both ends of the proverbial candle. Then, you wrap it up with a  tension-triggered family visit and you end […]

Accepting Help with Grace

We live in a culture that shuns vulnerability. We cheer for the scrappy underdog who finds a way to pull herself up by her bootstraps. We value mind over matter and adulate those who can push their bodies through anything to reach their goals. Don’t get me wrong—self-care and self-sufficiency are vital and admirable traits! […]

Strengthen Your Will To Align

“Live In Your Strength” Lao Tzu People suffer in jobs they hate? Relationships fail because they don’t work through discontent? Poor posture develops into chronic musculoskeletal disorders? It’s easy for people to believe they don’t have the time or the right or the permission to act as they would if they could? These are a […]

Are You Aligned With Your Strength or Your Tension?

When we work from strength we feel strong. When we work from tension we feel weak. How do you feel today?  Let’s say strong is a connectedness between your self and a challenge that leaves you feeling successful; and weak is a separation between your self and a challenge that leaves you feeling unsuccessful. The […]

Pretzel Neck Remedy

Curling up with a good book, bingeing on favorite television episodes, and napping with your beloved for hours on end (be they a two-legged or four-legged) are all wonderful things to do on cold winter days. A few months of contorting your body into positions that resemble a pretzel, leave you feeling like a pretzel! […]

A Year Round Practice

A Year Round Practice January 2017 The wisdom of an eight year old on Christmas Eve brings to mind what is important year round. This invitation rested on dinner plates guiding each of us to our seats. She beckoned us to be with her here and now. As it turned out, we were present for […]