Entries by Tammy Wise


When We Stop Chasing It––We Experience It. Allowing myself to sleep in past 6AM, a gesture that I don’t often make to myself, I listened to my two cats scampering about in a determined crazy-cat frenzy. If you’re a cat owner, you know that untamed state that possesses our sweet kitties and then mutates them […]

Loneliness is a Gift!

Embrace the Self-Acceptance of Solitude   Pushing something away has enough fear, anger or purpose in it to fuel the separation. Letting-go has only the loss of what was. Pushing away or refraining from the things you love, like too much chocolate cake or too many martinis; or to stop an activity you enjoy so […]

Create Me-Space Throughout Your Day

Do you like your job? Well it turns out a staggering 70% of employees either, hate or are completely disengaged from their jobs. This Gallup poll also said that even alluring workplace perks like nap rooms, free lunches, and massages did nothing to improve engagement. It makes sense. Perks don’t address how we connect with […]

GIVE UP ON PERFECTION… and embrace certainty.

A child shrugs their shoulders in a quick up-down motion to communicate, I dun’no? They’re not worried about not knowing. As an adult, the worry of not knowing can raise our shoulders with such a silent eerie creep that they freeze in that position. When we finally notice their up-tightness, we worry that if they […]

Sob Your Head Off It’s Good For You

Expand your capacity to love! You know those moments where no words can express or console your feelings; a deep guttural cry is the only way to pacify the hurt. It offers complete submersion into your feelings–separate from thinking–bringing solace to heartache. It’s as if, physically shedding tears makes room for mental resolution. And it […]

You’ll Never Look at a Pregnant Woman the Same Again

Losing one’s center of gravity is a lost and found phenomenon. There she is walking ahead of you, legs slightly spread causing her whole body to waddle side to side. She looks like she’s steadying herself on a sailboat but, even from behind, you know she is pregnant. You can’t help but marvel at the […]

It is Practical to be Spiritual

How your breath inspires conscious connection. Strip yourself down to blind breath to get out of your own way.  By blind I mean, without preconceived beliefs and expectations that ultimately tighten your breath and take you out of the mystery and freedom of the moment. Take your preconceived definitions away and who are you? You are […]


Who decides how you present you? In our effort to stand strong and straight, mentally and physically, we often project an ideal persona rather than a real person. A want-to-be persona that resembles a rooster showing its willingness to fight for dominance, prominence or survival takes over our posture. This outward display tenses our muscles, […]