BodyLogos Blog

Give Them Something REAL To Talk About

Light over Darkness

Too often my greatest accomplishments and deepest sentiments have been judged or dismissed. And, no matter how often it’s happened, I’m surprised by it.

I believe, that my surprise comes from their response being so distant from my reality.

While my intent is consistent: to be my best. The response is of me being bad, wrong, or intentionally hurtful to them. And, as a result, an unfortunate parallel and parallelizing truth is amplified. A part of me believes they’re right.

I must be bad, wrong and hurtful, if people feel this way around my life choices and direction. I feel annihilated and embarrassed to be me!

When consulting therapists and friends over the years about this sensitivity, I’m met with, “you SHOULDN’T feel that way. They’re jealous… they’re resentful… they’re scared.” But, why THEY are the way they are, doesn’t remedy MY reaction, of being the cause of their cut-me-off, shut-me-out ways.

• In my childhood, I had to grin a bare parental annihilation until the summer after high school, when I could run away as fast as I could.
• In my sister’s passing, I had to create distance with family members who insisted I didn’t love her, because I hadn’t visited through the Covid years.
• In my friendships, I’ve had to, at times, silently withdraw myself from the confusion of their belligerence toward my good will.

There’s a darkness to this dynamic that I just don’t want in my life. It’s joyless.
So, I run!

Now this annihilating darkness is asking me to stay.

My boyfriend’s daughter is poking-the-bear, as they say. I’ve assumed the role of the “wicked step-mother,” while doing nothing wicked. To run would mean annihilating my relationship with my lover.

Unless I can rise above this sensitivity, it’s a him or me situation!

While I believe that there are times one needs to extricate oneself from dark influences, to protect one’s own light. I also see that there are times one needs to stand up to dark influences, and project one’s own light.

I don’t believe that means condoning poor behaviour or accepting what’s unfair and unjust. Taking the high-road requires boundaries that protect our self-respect.

But what I’m beginning to understand is, the JOY that is behind our intentions, is the light that can vanquish the darkness. Not the darkness that lives in them, but the darkness that has infected us.

If my light dims, or goes out, then I’ll be just like them. The annihilator!

Under the details of each situation, it is my joy the annihilator tries to steal. When my joy threatens others, I need not be sorry that I imposed myself. But instead, I can feel sorry that they can’t meet me in it.

When we’re threatened, we make a lot of noise about it. We talk about it, cry about it, get angry about it… we become the darkness. Might JOY be the answer to preserving the light… our light.

Let’s give them something REAL to talk about… unbridled fearless JOY. And, transform embarrassment into gratitude for being joy-full. Perhaps, with time, light can ingest darkness. Just as darkness has infected light.

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The Heart is Always Searching for Love.

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Returning to Nature Deepened My Way to See

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Redefining Strength

I want to change our perception of strength. Strength is the ability to meet resistance and influence an outcome without compromising ourselves. And we already have it.

Strength is not an attribute; it’s a state of being. Gladiators, bodybuilders, and football players demonstrate strength through brute force, sheer willpower, muscle mass, and relentless pursuit. But we’re also quick to identify dancers and martial artists as strong. Their medium taps into a sense of vulnerability, balance, alignment, controlled power, and grace—but no one can deny their strength. Strength may look different on each of us, but it is an inherent part of who we are.

You are not weak by nature; you are stronger than you think. Your strength is not something you need to kill yourself to gain—it is already within you, waiting to be excavated. The key is to stop chasing something you already have and tap into it, so you can manifest that strength in your everyday life.

Because we don’t think we’re strong, we approach resistance with the idea that we’re not enough. We throw everything we have at it and push past our physical, mental, and emotional limitations. We see strength as domination, but it’s not.

When you learn to listen to your body’s divine wisdom, you cultivate a sense of where your body is developing tension instead of standing in its strength. You end the vicious cycle of unrealistic expectations, injury, and self-criticism and learn how to consciously embrace responsible growth. You stop compartmentalizing your strength into emotional, physical, and mental pieces and operate from the strength of your being at all times.

You learn how to align yourself with gravity—instead of working against it—so you can channel your strength to meet life’s resistance. As you meet resistance with equal parts power and alignment, you transform tension into strength

As in the sword dance above, the power lies in bringing just the right amount of force—not too little and not too much. By meeting the sword’s weight, I meet gravity. I am tapped into a larger source of energy, free of tension, and discover a strength that is wholly and uniquely mine.

About Tammy Wise

Tammy Wise is a widely respected mind-body fitness expert based out of New York City, owner of BodyLogos, Inc. author of The Art of Strength: Sculpt the Body ~ Train the Mind. A former Broadway dancer turned Tao minister, Tammy was voted the Best of Fitness by Time Out New York and has appeared in Martha Stewart’s Whole Living magazine, New York Magazine, Natural Health, Shape, and Thrive Global. She’s a Transformational Authors Contest Winner and regular contributor to Honeysuckle magazine and Medium. Visit her at

Copyright © 2025 - BodyLogos Fitness, Wellness and Beauty - Photo Credit: Steve Friedman - Video Credit: 3DStarStudios